
Simpurity DermaPro Waterproof Silicone Tape is latex free and has a silicone adhesive that is gentle to remove from sensitive skin areas. Superior for securing wound dressings and repelling moisture from outside contaminants, and minimizing the look of scars.


  • Latex-Free
  • Gentle Silicone Adhesive
  • Secures Wound Dressings Easily
  • Reduces the Appearance of Scars
  • Minimized/No Pain upon Removal of Tape
  • Keeps Wound in a Good Healing Environment
  • Waterproof when Properly Sealed

Simpurity DermaPro Waterproof Silicone Tape is latex free and has a silicone adhesive that is gentle to remove from sensitive skin areas. Superior for securing wound dressings and repelling moisture from outside contaminants.